Students and teachers of the Chemistry Department, together with the young intern from Estonia, Andres Sakk, visited the Faculty of Mining in Prijedor and the Omarska mine. This activity is part of the TRAKMAT, a project funded by the Ministry of Scientific-Technological Development, Higher Education and the Information Society and co-funded through the RAISESEE project of the EITRaw Materials Fund. The aim of the project is to significantly increase the hours spent in industry, professional internship, but also to bring students and staff of the two faculties closer together so that students of mining, geology and chemistry understand the connection between their professions and their importance in the time of accelerated development of the mining and material processing sector throughout the country.
The hosts from the Faculty of Mining held lectures on geology and ore preparation processes, without which there would certainly be no chemical industry. For the first time, many scientific facts in these fields have been clarified to students and chemistry teachers and have certainly given them new perspectives on the origin of materials and chemicals used in laboratories. The SP Chemistry team was gifted with souvenirs in the form of miniature collections of the ore and mineral samples from the Prijedor region, which will be displayed on the faculty premises so that other chemistry students are aware of the unbreakable chain link of these scientific and technological fields.
In the second part of the day, a team from the Chemistry Department visited the impressive capacities of the Omarska mine and, accompanied by friendly staff, got to know the exploitation process, efforts to reclaim the land and ideas for landscaping after the exploitation in the somewhat distant future. There were also detailed demonstrations of the process of daily quality control in a chemical laboratory.