
The first year of the realization of project activities within RAISESEE project brought many interesting activities to the SP Chemistry. In addition to study visits to successful industrial subjects in the Republic, bringing together students with high school pupils, an important part of the program was the organization of internships for high school students (prospective university students who will study materials) as international exchanges. SP Chemistry hosted two Estonian pupils, but also three pupils from Republika Srpska have got internship opportunities in other countries.
Božana Đukic (Lazar Đukic High School, Ribnik) and Jovana Jotanović (Secondary Medical School, Doboj) were in Estonia at Tallinn University of Technology. The hosts who hosted them prepared a diverse program for them which included:

  • Lectures on minerals and modern technologies in mining
  • Travel to the Estonian Centre for Earth Sciences where they had the opportunity to study numerous experimental techniques for studying Earth's crust
  • Trip to the mining museum, where they also visited the preserved underground rooms of the old mine
  • Participation in numerous demonstrations at University laboratories such as those on metallurgical techniques, processing of solid materials, 3D printing using metallic materials.
  • Demonstration and rehearsal of LEGO programming and virtual reality techniques where they had the opportunity to try out real programming of mini-robot trucks, similar to those actually used in mining techniques.

Milijana Šolic (Lazar Đukic High School, Ribnik) attended the Montanuniversität practice in Leoben, Austria. Her program with hosts included:

  • Detailed tour of the host University with a focus on visiting three laboratories in three different departments: the Mineral Processing Laboratory, the Department of Mining Engineering and the Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Laboratory (physical and physico-chemical separation techniques related to primary and secondary materials, process of an extensive test of a rock samples for tunnel construction…)
  • Visit to the University Language Centre, which introduced the intern to all the opportunities this Centre offers to foreign students
  • Visit the Green Lake Tragöss

The RAISESEE PRIZE high school program continues over the next two years. SP Chemistry will make efforts in promoting this program and recruiting and preparing high school students from our country, in order to be as competitive as possible and to realize as many of these awards and internships they bring. In this way, high school students will be motivated to study the fields of materials science, be it chemistry, geology, mining or technology. Due to the tendency of fast growth of foreign investments in the raw material sector in our country, the prospects for their employment in these areas are good. We have lots of different raw materials and some of them in very significant deposits, but these young people should in the future be working on the development of valuable semi-finished products and products that increase the value of exports and contribute to the faster progress of society.