Descriptors for horizontal skills through learning and working activities (dual-training system)
- Listens and understands the assignments, asking questions and details if neces-sary
- Learns easily and rapidly new concepts. He/she is motivated and has an open and flexible mind?
- Uses the documents provided by the host institution to find info and instructions to complete the assigned task
- Acts in order to raise both personal skills and knowledge, and to capitalize them.
- Accepts new and additional assignments
- Reorganizes its own activities based on new requests from the host
Descriptors for vertical skills through learning and working activities (dual-training system)

At ISTM-CNR the students will receive a preliminary training on:
- Introduction to critical raw materials (1 h lecture with slides)
- Introduction to General Chemistry (2 h lecture with slides)
- Introduction to regulations and procedures for Chemical laboratory safety (1 h lecture with slides)
- Learning by the InTheLoop™ serious game (2 h playing)
They will be actively involved in working activities on the following research topics:
1. CRM-Free catalysts development
- Development of catalysts free of platinum group metals and rare earths, active in steam reforming for hydrogen production.
- Development of photo-catalysts based on iron oxides and active under visible light for water cleaning.
2. CRM-Free photovoltaic device development
- Development of dyes for transparent photovoltaic devices working in diffuse-light condition, not base on ruthenium compounds.
- Development of innovative organic materials for the substitution of platinum and iodine in the device components.
3. Nanoparticle for bio-application
Synthesis and functionalization of nanoparticles (organic/inorganic/hybrid) to develop smart nanomaterials for bio-applications. Exploiting the tunable morphology and a controlled surface modification to develop nanoagents active in vitro or in vivo.
4. Magnetic Nanoparticle with reduced concentration of CRM
Develop magnetic nanoparticles with improved magnetic properties but reduced presence of CRM, changing the nanoparticle composition or shape.

At Dnipro University of Technology the students will receive a preliminary training on:
1. Introduction to GEOLOGY (Geological structure of the Earth) (2 h lecture with slides);
2. Learning by exhibit review at the geological museum of “Dneprotech” (1 h);
3. Learning by the immersion in virtual mining environment (1 h);
4. Introduction to rock mechanics (2 h lecture with slides).
They will be actively involved in working activities at university laboratories on the following research topics:- Determining types of rocks; describing the structure, texture and mineral composition of rocks.
- Determining mechanical properties of rocks and soils.
- Simulation of the slope and branch stability to determine the safety factor under geological conditions of Matronovski open-cast mine;
-Simulation of rock stress-strain state around underground opening
Students will practically apply the obtained knowledge while technical trips to:
1. Matronovski open-pit mine;
2. PJSC DTEK “Pavlogradugol”
At Matronovski open-cast mine the students will receive a preliminary training on:
1. Introduction to open-cast mine operating scheme (2 h lecture with slides)
2. Introduction to regulations and procedures for safety at mining open-pit enterprises (2 h lecture with slides)
Students will be involved in working activities on the following topics:
- “in situ” observation of geological structures;
- observation the geometrical parameters of the working benches of the open-pit mine and assessment of their stability;
- observation the ore-cutting mechanism and logistic operation.
At PJSC DTEK “Pavlogradugol” (mine “Zapadno-Donbasskaya” the students will receive a preliminary training on:
1. Introduction to coal mine operating scheme (2 h lecture with slides);
2. Introduction to regulations and procedures for safety at the coal mine surface com-plex (2 h lecture with slides);
3. Practical lerning safety activities at training plant of mine “Zapadno-Donbasskaya” (2 h practical classes with educational exhibits and devices).
Students will be involved in working activities on the following topics:
- familiarization with the surface complex of the coal mine;
- analysis of geological features of Western Donbass coal deposit;
- determining geomechanical parametres the underground roadway in terms of geo-logical conditions of mine “Zapadno-Donbasskaya” and development of appropriate support design.

Activity with Politecnico of Milano are planned as follows:
Step 1: Introduction to circular economy problem
Methodology: Frontal lectures with slides, 3h @school (students, teachers and tutors)
Step2: Personal Research, involvement, evaluation, Discussion
Methodology: Starting from daily life objects driven discussion, questions and answers, spreading and sharing of the knowledge, 3h @school (students, teachers and tutors)
Step 3: Research on valuable and critical raw materials. Historical, social and economic environment.
Methodology: Analysis of the information obtained by personal researchs. Summary and critical evaluation of the results, 6h @home (students)
Step 4: Revision and evaluation of the students work by teachers and tutors
Methodology: Ppt presentations, word documents shared in a folder Drive 4h, @polimi and @schools (teachers ansd tutors)
Step 5: Driven reorganization of the material to focus on the problem
Methodology: Frontal lectures with slides, 3h @school (students, teachers and tutors)
Step 6: Application of the learned concepts
Methodology: Serious game on raw materials market: Into the Loop, 3 h @schools (students, teachers, tutors)
Step 6: Analysis of the selected object: end of life destination
Methodology: To stimulate questions on end of life object destination: collection, treatment, environmental issues, average life in use….. Production of reports or presentation by the students, 1h @school and 4h @home (teachers, tutors, students)
Step 7: Analysis of possible or available raw materials recovery technologies
Methodology: Comparison of information collected by the students with on going research activities @Polimi, 3h @school (students, tutors)
Step 8: Experimental activity (LAB)
Methodology: 1) solid/liquid adsorption tests, 2) analysis by conductimetry, 3) Selection of the best solid to be applied in the process. Development of the students capability to apply experimental methodology. Preparation of worksheet on the experiments; of supplementary worksheets, of research materials. Sharing of the worksheets with teachers, tutors and other students. 6-8h labs activity LAB @school (students, teachers, tutors), worksheets preparation @home/@school 6h (students), preparation of communication shared material (e.g. Video) 4h (students)
Step 9 Visit to Polimi and CNR labs, 3h (students, tutors, teachers)
Step 10: If possible, visit to company active in the field 5h
Step 11: Preparation of tools for communication to general 15h public @home/@school (students), Workshop (open to teachers, tutors, project partners, parents….) 3h @polimi
TOTAL 74 h
Example of Problem to be analyzed and discussed by the students:
Example of Unit Operation of the process to be experience by the students during lab activity

HyDEP srl is the last generation owned Company coming from the experience and deep knowledge in electrolysis. We are a team of experts, committed to the excellence and innovation on hydrogen
technologies. With an active department of R&D, HyDEP srl is focused on the development of reliable, high efficiency, high purity and high pressure alkaline electrolyzers.
The development department of HyDEP researches and studies about advanced industrial applications in partnership with the main research institutes and university in the world.
HyDEP srl spent several years to become an engineering leading company in the field of
hydrogen for energetic purpose such as energy storage, backup power, energy time shift
and industrial applications.
In HyDEP srl the students will be involved in:
. design of new eletrolytic cells,
. tests AEM electrolytic cells, in which innovative catalysts will be tested.
. BoP design in combination with AEM and PEM stack
. M&H Balance analysis
. P&ID design

At Montanuniversität Leoben students have the opportunity to work at the Department of Mineral Resources Engineering and Polymer Engineering and Science.
Duration of Internship: 15-20 Days
Department of Mineral Resources Engineering
Mineral Processing involves the processing of primary and secondary resources into high-quality products by means of physical and chemical processes. These include comminution, sizing, separation processing, dewatering, dedusting, agglomeration and leaching.
Building Materials and Ceramics pursues academic training in the field of non-metallic inorganic materials (construction materials, mineral binders, refractories, ceramics and glass).
Polymer Engineering and Science
The Department of Polymer Engineering and Science at the Montanuniversität Leoben is an internationally recognized research institution which has been working in the field of polymer engineering and science for over 40 years. Vitally important for this excellent reputation is the strong cooperation with international companies. Special attention is paid to collaborative projects ranging from local projects to international EU-projects. The Department of Polymer Engineering and Science comprises eight floors across a total area of 6,597 square meters. With its state-of-the-art research fa-cilities, including more than 300 machines, it ticks all the boxes.
1 Department - 6 chairs
The Department of Polymer Engineering and Science consists of six chairs (professor-ships) which undertake high-quality research in the fields of chemistry of polymeric materials, designing plastics and composite materials, polymer processing, injection moulding of polymers, processing of composites and materials science and testing of polymers.

At the University of Oulu the students will receive a preliminary training on:
- Introduction to Raw Materials’ research at the University of Oulu (2 h lecture with slides)
- Introduction to regulations and procedures for laboratory safety (1 h lecture with slides)
- Familiarization to research laboratories (2 h tour)
- Introduction to FabLab concept (1 h lecture with slides).
- Familiarization to FabLab facilities (1 h tour)
The students will be actively involved in working activities on the following research topics:
- Utilization of the recycled/waste materials in the water and air purification
- Depending on the ongoing projects the students will follow up the laboratory work.
- The students will make a report/presentation/video etc. on the topic addressed to other students at their home institute.
- FabLab work benefitting research work for circular economy
- Students will be familiarized to FabLab environment and to the tools available there.
- Students will design a project work that can be carried out in FabLab.

Tallinn University of Technology
Students get an overview of mineral resources, mining, mineral separation and metallurgy and mineral processing by participating in a variety of practical activities.
Students gain practical experience of mineral separation, practical visit to underground mine or surface mine and participate in different mineral processing workshops. The 5-day study activity ends with the video challenge, where students need to describe, what they learn during their lessons.
1. Day 1: Introduction – an overview of mineral resources, mining possibilities, resource importance (programme starts afternoon then participants have arrived)
2. Day 2: Enrichment – introduction of the enrichment processes, some hands-on activities
3. Day 3: Visit some open pits near Tallinn region or mining museum
4. Day 4: Mineral processing – practical activities in Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (casting, welding, powder metallurgy)
5. Day 5: Video challenge and sum-up - create video summary of your stay in this programme (programme finish in lunch, travel back to home)

National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP) is a Romanian research and development or-ganization with an extended expertise in the field of Condensed Matter and Materials Phys-ics (fundamental processes and applications) and with a well-established national and inter-national reputation. It is organized in 5 research laboratories corresponding to five main re-search directions (Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Magnetism and Superconductiv-ity Nanoscale Condensed Matter, Optical Processes in Nanostructured Materials and Atomic Structures and Defects in Advanced Materials).
As a consequence, the students will have the opportunity to work in any of these depart-ments, after a general training in safety issues and introduction regarding critical raw mate-rials. Given the specifics of the activity, the training will be focused on the routes of recovery
for some critical materials, as well as on the last research directions for their reduction or replacement in high-tech applications.
At NIMP the students will begin a general training on:
1. Introduction to main fundamental notions (Chemistry and Physics) for describing critical raw materials (2 h lecture with slides),
2. Introduction to main high-technology applications requiring critical raw materials (2 h lec-tures with slides and videos),
3. Free discussions on scientific supports for their use in such applications. Physical and chemical aspects (2 h),
4. Introduction to the type of waste and waste roadmap (2h lecture with slides). Case studies: (i) Recycling of used batteries, (ii) Recovery of plastic and metals from WEEE. (lecture with slides, 2h)
5. Driven reasoning for possible replacements in high-tech and industrial applications. (2 h)
6. General principles for physico-chemical analysis of compounds containing critical raw ma-terials. (2 h with slides)
7. Introduction to safety regulations and procedures for working in laboratories. (2 h with slides)
Examples of gained abilities: factual and scientific-driven reasoning, basic understanding of diagrams depicting industrial processes, general competences as improved oral and written communication in English, team work and time management to answer questions and solve assignments.
Three main steps are necessary in any
waste recycling activity of waste (WEEE):
(i) Collection and sorting, with improved results upon manual sorting;
(ii) Dismantling and physical/mechanical separation and crushing (primary or (pre-)treatment)
(iii) End-processing and recycling
Experimental work:
Hands-on training on 2 types of activities: (i) introducing catalysts based on non-critical elements, and (ii) permanent magnets with reduced RE (rare earth) content.
- Preparation and subsequent processing of nanoparticulate systems with spinel-like or perovskite-like structures. (2 days)
- Morpho-structural and elemental characterizations. (2 days)
- Preparation of amorphous ribbons with reduced RE content and subsequent crystallization process for improving their magnetic properties. (2 days)
- Morpho-structural and magnetic characterization. (2 days)
- Illustration of preparation-characterization cycles for optimization of desired properties (4 days).
Additional activities: Visit at the NIMP institute facilities.

The Association of Technology Engineers of Republic of Srpska will organize one-on-one mentored field trips with selected students to the most active mining sites in Republic of Srpska. The trips will be realized by mini-bus and every student will have his mentor, experienced enginner from the Association. The students will mostly learn about clasical mining procedures such as floatation and magnetic separation, as well as about the procedure of production of the useful everyday products from the processed ore.
The visits are planned in 2019. to two locations:
- Sase mine in Srebrenica (zinc and lead mine with potential of rare earth metals)
- Alumina company for processing of the bauxite ore in Zvornik city

At the University of Banja Luka, students will learn the techniques of the preparation of the activated carbon from the low-value charcoal and enriching it with metal ions remediated from the mining sludge:
They will get practical training in following methodologies:
- Sampling of the mining sludge
- Extraction of the metals from the mining sludge (acid digestion)
- Kation separation methods
- Pyrolisis of the low-value charcoals to active carbon
- Metal-adosorption on active carbon+heat treatment
- Filter testings methods

At IOCCP-BAS the students will receive a preliminary training on:
- Theoretic support:
- Biomass as a source for energy and valuable products (30 min lecture with slides)
- Advanced carbon materials (30 min lecture with slides)
- Pollutants in air and water and approaches for their elimination (30 min lecture with slides)
- Contemporary analytical techniques for environmental protection (30 min lecture with slides)
- Chemical laboratory safety (20 min lecture)
- Preparation of referrals from the students on the problems, related to the topic of the project (3 months).
- Experimental module.
- Preparation of activated carbons from selected agriculture and industrial waste (walnut shells, wood dust, polymers, etc.) using appropriate technology of pyrolysis and activation (1-3 days).
- Testing the efficiency of the obtained activated carbons as adsorbents for cleaning of waste water from some industrial pollutants (organic dyes, metal ions) (1-2 days).
- Preparation of catalysts on the base of activated carbons (2 days).
- Elucidation of the catalytic activity –catalytic apparatus and GC analyses (1-2 days).
- Education and demonstration of some physicochemical techniques for the characterization of the obtained materials (UV-Vis, FTIR, XRD, apparatus for nitrogen physisorption, TPR) (2-4 days).
- Education working in several appropriate computer programs, such as Excel, PowerPoint, Origin etc.(2-3 days)
- Visit to appropriate industrial companies.
The students will be introduced with the production activity and analytical laboratories of some companies
-Drujba Glassworks S.A.(
-Sopharma AD (
-Sofia Med (
- Dissemination of the obtained results.
- Oral presentation of the referrals.
- Selected referrals will be published on appropriate scientific site.
- Preparation of posters and oral reports on the obtained results.